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Choosing between home or clinic treatments

From a high-level perspective, cancer patients first need to decide whether to be treated at a clinic which specializes in natural, integrative cancer treatments or be treated at home.

While this decision may seem like a no-brainer, in fact there are many things you need to know about being treated at a clinic.

First, you need to understand that health insurance companies will generally not pay for being treated at a clinic which uses natural, integrative cancer treatments.

If your finances are limited, and most people have very limited financial resources after paying their co-pay for orthodox cancer treatments, it is critical to talk to the clinic of your choice and your health insurance company to make sure you will be able to afford being treated at a clinic.

Option: Using Natural, Integrative Cancer Treatment Clinics as Your First Treatment

There are many outstanding cancer clinics which use natural, integrative cancer treatments. These include clinics in Germany, Mexico, the United States, and many other countries.

The main advantage to using an alternative cancer clinic is that medical doctors or other experts can monitor your initial progress face-to-face. They can also use equipment which the average person cannot afford.

All clinics give their cancer patients who have completed their treatment a list of treatments to be used at home. Thus, even if you have your cancer treated at a clinic, you will still end up treating it at home.

Cancer is a vicious disease and even though much can be done at a clinic in a few weeks, restoring the damage done to the body and the immune system by chemotherapy, radiation and surgery cannot possibly be completed in that time frame. Much work must be done at home after a person leaves the clinic.

Perhaps it can be said another way. Remission should NEVER be thought of as an issue of cancer cells. Everyone, even cancer patients, have new cancer cells naturally. Remission MUST be thought of in terms of the immune system. Until the immune system is strong enough to kill newly forming cancer cells (plus cancer cells left over from treatment), a person is never out of danger and should NEVER be considered to be in “remission.”

For those who can afford to pay for natural, alternative cancer treatment clinics, this web page will link to many of the best alternative cancer treatment clinics:

Web Page About Clinics

The first key concept – Your chances of survival

In 2003 we surveyed several alternative cancer treatment practitioners, some who worked with cancer patients in clinics, and some who worked with cancer patients by telephone. They universally said that over 95 percent of the cancer patients who went to them had been sent home to die by orthodox medicine or the patient had quit their orthodox treatment because it was too painful.

What this means is that over 95 percent of the cancer patients they treated were very advanced cancer patients who, figuratively speaking, had “one foot in the grave.”

Also during that survey, every person interviewed said their overall cure rate for these patients was about 50 percent. In other words, they were curing 50 percent of the cancer patients orthodox medicine had sent home to die.

While the best of the best alternative cancer clinics may have slightly higher than 50 percent cure rates, it is doubtful they are much higher than 50 percent unless they have a significant number of newly diagnosed patients.

Since 2003 many new and improved natural, integrative cancer treatments and products have been developed. In fact, it is hard to compare cancer treatments today versus those of 2003.

The Second Key Concept – Avoid Critical Mistakes

The reality is that over 95 percent of cancer patients who seek out natural, integrative cancer treatments are NOT newly diagnosed cancer patients, but are very advanced cancer patients.

The main purpose of the Cancer Tutor website has been to provide cancer patients with information about which treatments will give them the best chance of survival according to scientific, peer-reviewed, medically relevant studies.

To accomplish this task, one of the unique things about this website is that it “rates” the strength and scientific validity of alternative cancer treatments. This rating system provides advanced cancer patients with critical information about which of the hundreds of alternative cancer treatments are strong enough for their situation. See this article:

Cancer Tutor Rating System For Cancer Treatments

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